Spanish Cooking Techniques: Aquafaba

Aquafaba comes from the Latin words aqua (water) and faba (bean), because it's created by cooking legumes such as chickpeas or beans. It's a magical liquid that we often discard but which has noteworthy properties. Sometimes it can be a good substitute for egg whites.

To make a delicious vegan dessert with aquafaba, you're going to need the following ingredients:

5 g lime zest
250 g chickpeas
750 g almond drink
1 cinnamon stick
90 g sugar

Start by soaking the chickpeas for 12 hours. Once they're softer, add them to a pot of boiling water and cook them for 40 minutes.

Remove the chickpeas and strain the liquid as this will be the base of our aquafaba. Pour the liquid into a blender and add the sugar. Blend until a white foam forms, similar to what happens when beating an egg white.

Add the almond milk to a pot and let it boil with the cinnamon and the lime peel. Once it has infused for three hours, strain it and put it in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
Once it's cold, mix it with the aquafaba until it's a uniform liquid, and you can serve it in a glass with a touch of cinnamon. It's a delicious, vegan dessert.

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