Spanish Cooking Techniques: Charcoal grill

Grilling is a culinary technique whereby food is cooked directly over natural embers. This gives it a very special smoky flavour thanks to the aroma from the charcoal and firewood.

This method is especially interesting for meat as it yields a texture and flavour that are very different compared with a griddle or any other cooking technique.

To grill meat, the only ingredients youll need are 1 kg of rib steak and 50 g of coarse salt, as well as charcoal and firewood for the grill.
Once the grill is lit, place the meat on top and cook it according to your preference. When it's done, add a little salt on top and it's ready to eat.

To serve it, let it rest for a few minutes and then remove the bones and cut it into pieces. Now you can enjoy delicious grilled meat!

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