Special Egg Biryani Recipe By SooperChef

Egg Biryani Recipe: Coming up with a great notion to Biryani. Try out this pleasing to taste buds Easy Egg Biryani Recipe. Save this recipe on your list of Ramzan Recipes. This Easy Egg Biryani is tempting even your Kids will love this. Make it, Enjoy it and don't forget to share your experience with us.
#EggBiryaniRecipe #BiryaniRecipe #Biryani

Egg Biryani Recipe in English:


10 Eggs boiled
1 Onion sliced
1 ½ cup Tomato puree
4 Green chilies
2 Tomato sliced
1 cup Oil
2 bunch Mint
10g Ginger julienne
1 tbsp Ginger Garlic paste
2 Lemon
1/2 bunch Coriander leaves
Salt to taste
1 tbsp Cumin seeds
1 ½ tbsp Red chili powder
1 tsp Cumin powder
1 tsp Coriander powder
10g Whole spices
1 tsp Food color
15g Tamarind
1/2 cup Yogurt
1kg Basmati Rice

In a pan heat oil and add onion, cumin seeds and cook until light brown.
Then add ginger garlic paste, tomato puree and green chilies in it.
Add salt, red chili powder, whole spices, tamarind, cumin powder and
coriander powder. Then add boiled eggs and mix well.
Make garnish of sliced tomatoes, ginger, green chilies, lemons slices,
chopped coriander and chopped mint. Add half of it in pan and keep half aside.
In a separate pan add water equal to rice, oil salt, cumin seed and bring to boil.
After water starts boiling add rice and cook on medium flame.
When water reduce add egg mixture and remaining garnish in it.
In milk dissolve food color and add it in rice.
Cover it for 18 to 15 minutes on low flame.
Anda Masala Biryani is ready to serve.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Serving: 6 person
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