Springtime Korean picnic in Connecticut

On May 19, 2012 we had a springtime meetup in Connecticut. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep much the night before, just like a young child. On the Saturday morning I got up early and prepared the last things I needed before going.

First I'd like to thank the meetup organizers Kristi and Ryan. We exchanged many emails and met via Google+ hangout to plan the event. Without their help, the event would not have been possible. Thank you so much for your time and effort Kristi and Ryan!

Secondly, I'd like to thank all of those who came to the meetup. Some took a chartered bus with me and some came by their own transportation. Some people came from other states like New Hampshire and Rhode Island which took 4-5 hours! Since it was a potluck picnic, all of them woke up very early in the morning and made or packed fresh food to bring all the way to the meetup.

There are definitely some common points among everyone who came to the meetup. All of them love good and delicious food and love to cook homemade food the best. Having a potluck party is natural for a group like this. I can add 1 more important ingredient that made us connect to each other instantly: passion!
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