Star-Shaped Bread Recipe

Auntie is sharing a delicious bread recipe with us today. We hope you enjoy it.

For the first sauce:
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
1 dessertspoon of dried oregano
1 dessertspoon of dried mint
1 teaspoon of black pepper
3 cloves of crushed garlic
For the second sauce:
600ml of sesame
3 tablespoons of olive oil
1 dessertspoon of dried oregano
For the third sauce:
1 small bowl of grated feta cheese
1 small bowl of grated mozzarella cheese
For the dough:
Half a kg of flour
1 dessertspoon of granulated sugar
1 dessertspoon of instant dry yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
50g of butter
1 egg
Some water

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