STIR-FRIED SPINACH RECIPE - So Easy, Yummy and Nutritious!

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Turkish food at home

STIR FRIED SPINACH RECIPE - So Easy, Yummy and Nutritious!

Music: Bir Of Ceksem - Turkish Folk Song
Arrangement and piano: Elvan A. ULUCINAR

In this episode, I'd like to share with you a very easy and amazing stir fried spinach recipe. I took this recipe from grandmother of dear Aye, then tried and just loved it. I use 'Sucuk' (Turkish sausage) in this dish, but feel free to use the sausage you like. Hope you give this amazing recipe a try!

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250 gr. (1/2 pound) Spinach leaves (cleaned)
100 gr. Sucuk (cubed)
2 onions (cut into cubes)
1/3 cup fine bulgur
1/3 cup hot water
2 eggs
Olive oil
Sweet paprika
Salt & pepper

Combine 1/3 cup fine bulgur and 1/3 cup hot water in a bowl, mix.
Cover and let sit for about 20 minutes, or until bulgur is tender.
Make sure to mix occasionally.
In the meantime, fill a large pan with water and bring to a boil over medium high heat.
Once boiling, add spinach and cook for 5 minutes.
Turn off the heat and drain.
You might wanna reserve the boiling water, to use as stock.
Chop the spinach coarsely while siting in the sieve, set aside.
Heat 2-3 tbsp olive oil in a large pan, over medium low heat.
Add onions and a pinch of salt&pepper.
Saute for about 6-7 minutes or until tender, stirring occasionally.
Add sucuk and a pinch of sweet paprika.
Cook for about 2-3 minutes, or until the smell comes out.
Add 2 eggs, mix well.
Add spinach and cook for about 2-3 minutes, breaking up with the back of a spoon.
Then add bulgur and mix well.
Season to taste.
''Cook until you hear a 'CIZIR CIZIR' sound" :)
(meaning: cook until it sizzles)
Turn off the heat and serve immediately, with ayran on the side.

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