Strawberry Cupcake With Icing | Recipe by Archana | Easy To Make Cake At Home | Ruchkar Mejwani

Looking for a basic easy recipe for cupcakes? We have it here! Our chef Archana brings you everybody's favorite dessert recipe of Strawberry Cupcake that is absolutely easy and simple to make at home!

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Ingredients (for 8-10 cupcakes):

2 Eggs
1 Cup Castor Sugar
1 Cup Butter
1/2 tsp Strawberry Emulsion
100 gms Maida/ All Purpose Flour
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
Whipped Cream for decoration
Cupcake Moulds

साहित्य (८-१० कपकेक्स साठी)

२ अंडी
१ कप पीठी साखर
१ कप लोणी
१/२ tsp स्त्रावबेरी अर्क (emulsion)
१०० gms मैदा
१/२ tsp बेकिंग पावडर
मलई सजावटीसाठी
कपकेक्स चे साचे


- In a bowl, break eggs. Then add castor sugar, butter & strawberry emulsion. Mix everything well with the help of an electric beater.
- Then add baking powder & maida and again mix well.
- Add a spoonful of the cake batter into the cupcake moulds.
- In the meanwhile, preheat the oven for 5 mins.
- Tap the moulds lightly to make sure there are no bubbles in the batter.
- Then put the cupcakes to bake in the oven at 160 degrees Celsius for about 15 mins.
- Take the cupcakes out and let them cool for some time.
- Decorate these cupcakes with strawberry emulsion & glaze (optional). Also garnish with whipped cream.
- Strawberry cupcakes are ready to serve!

Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

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