Street Food, Epi 2.11 China - Feed the Sea Monsters (Zongzi) | Christian Has Ideas

It's time for a holiday celebration!!!
But not one we usually celebrate in the West.
In this episode of Streetfood, my friend Sunshine teaches us the history behind Dragon Boat Festival, and we learn to make the traditional Chinese snack of choice during said holiday: Zongzi. Cook along at home and check out how we say Happy Holidays in Xi'an!

And here's a link to that fan video:

Street Food, cdzadek, China, Chinese Food, Culture, Food, Chinese Culture, Made in China, China News, education, diversity, streetfood, street, street-food, Xian, street snacks, snacks, cross-cultural, family, expat, expatriate, 西安, 中国, 小吃, Snack Food (Type of Dish), Chinese (Cuisine), Foodie
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