Street Style Chicken Masala Noodles Recipe by SooperChef

This street-style chicken masala noodle made with K&N's Fun Nugget is the perfect recipe to spice up your child's day! try out this amazing recipe today and let us know your feedback in the comments.

#sooperchef #masalanoodles #funnuggets #kidsrecipes

Street Style Chicken Masala Noodles
Ingredients for Street Style Chicken Masala Noodles:
Oil 2-3 tbsp
Noodles 3 packs
Onion (cubes) 1 cup
Tomato (cubes) 1 cup
Salt (1 tsp / to taste)
Red chili powder 1 tsp
All spice powder tsp
Chaat masala 1/2 tsp
Hot sauce 1 tbsp
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Water 1 cup
K&Ns Fun Nuggets (795 g)
Oil (for frying) as required
Green coriander (for garnishing)
Directions for Street Style Chicken Masala Noodles:
1. In a pan, heat oil and add onions, tomatoes and cook for 2-3 mins.
2. Now add water, salt, red chili powder, soy sauce, chili sauce, and chaat masala. Simmer for 1-2 mins.
3. Add noodles and cook until noodles are fully done.
4. Fry K&Ns Fun Nuggets as per instructions on the pack.
5. Add K&Ns Fun Nuggets and toss in the noodles.
6. Plate it in a bowl. Sprinkle chopped coriander and serve. Your Street Style Chicken Masala Noodles are ready.

Prep time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 12 mins
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