800 g sunroot / earth apple / jerusalem artichoke
200 g baby potatoes
1 carrot (~200 g)
1 orange
1 onion
3 to 4 garlic cloves
1/3 cup olive oil
1 tsp sugar (optional)
1 tsp salt
1 cup water

Introducing the SUNROOT:
It is a sweet root vegetable of the sunflower family of plants It is native the Central America and common in the cuisine of Western Europe and Mediterranean regions It is the finest sources of dietary fibers with zero calori saccharine and inert carbohydrate. Therefore, sunroot is an ideal sweetener for diabetics and dietetics It can be eaten raw in salad or sauted to enjoy its high potassium, iron, copper, and protein
(!) You can replant sunroot using the small nodules or tuberosities on them

Wash and peel the carrot. Then, dice the carrots into small cubes and set aside
Peel, wash, and dice the onion, set aside
Peel and mince the garlic cloves, set aside
Fill a medium-sized bowl halfway with water
Peel the baby potatoes and soak them in the bowl of water that weve prepared
Peel the sunroots and divide each one into 4 equal pieces
The sunroots is a very crunchy tuber, so the sharp edges soften easily during cooking and this gives the dish a mushy and muddy look that can be unappetizing.
I recommend, lightly shaving the edges of each piece to give them a smooth form
Once shaping is complete, soak the sunroots in the water bowl as well
Thoroughly wash the orange, grate its skin and set aside
Extract the juice of the orange and set aside

Pour 1/3 cup of olive oil into a pot, heat the olive oil for 2 minutes on medium heat
Then, add the dices carrot and saute for 3 to 4 minutes, until the colour of the carrot transfer to the oil
Add the onion and garlic, saute the ingredients together for 2 minutes
Add the 1 cup of water and juice of the orange into the pot.
Bring to a boil, then cook for 3 more minutes
Drain the soaked potatoes and sunroots and add them into the pot
Sprinkle 1 tsp of sugar and 1 tsp of salt over the ingredients
Cover the pot with a lid and lower the heat
Once the mixture boils again, add the orange zest, replace the lid and cook this delicacy for 8 to 9 minutes; until the sunroots become soft but not mushy .
You will achieve a clear broth and visibly distinct ingredients!!

Before serving, let the dish cool down
Sunroot Saute is a flavourful dish that is brimming with essential vitamins and macronutrients. Additionally, sunroot reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, and eliminates toxic compounds from the gut.
It is a delicious warm dish for lunch and a flavourful cold meze for a dinner with RAKI
Bon Appetite!!

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