Sweet Potato Kababs - By Vahchef @ vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Minced sweet potato combined with spces and a slight binding  is suitable for these kebabs  pan fried and also skwered


Sweet potato 250 g
Cashew nuts 20 g
Roasted chana daal powder 100 g
Green chilly 4 n
Mint ½ b
Cardamom powder ¼ ts
White pepper powder ¼ ts
Ginger powder ¼ ts
Oil 3 tb
Butter 1 tb

Heat butter in a pan add cashew nuts, sauté them, add roasted chana daal powder, sauté it and add salt, green chilly, mint, cardamom powder, white pepper powder, ginger powder, boiled sweet potato, mash it and mix it like a dough, divide the dough into equal portions, put them into the skewers, pour the oil into the griddle and shallow fry them on both sides in a medium heat.

Serve this with green chutney.

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