Takachi Kadhi - ताकाची कढी | Quick Buttermilk Gravy | Maharashtrian Recipe by Archana in Marathi | Ruchkar Mejwani

Takachi Kadhi / Kadi is an easy Maharashtrian style drink made from buttermilk and chickpea flour. Chef Archana brings to you this tasty preparation common to almost all the kitchens across Maharashtra

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1/2 litre Buttermilk
2 tsp Oil
1 tbsp Ginger Garlic crush
1 tbsp Gram Flour
1/2 tsp Mustard Seeds
1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds
10-12 Curry Leaves
1 Green Chiili
1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder
1 tbsp Sugar
Salt to taste


१/२ लिटर ताक
२ tbsp तेल
१ tbsp आलं लसूण पेस्ट
१ tbsp चण्याच पीठ
१/२ tsp मोहरी
१/२ tsp जिरं
१०-१२ कडीपत्त्याची पाने
१ हिरवी मिरची
१/२ tsp हळद
१ tbsp साखर


- In a large bowl, take buttermilk. Add turmeric powder, sugar, salt, gram flour. Mix everything well.
- Heat some oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, green chilli, curry leaves & crushed ginger garlic. Saute everything well.
- Then add the buttermilk mixture and some water.
- Boil the kadhi for 5 minutes.
- Garnish it with coriander leaves and serve hot!

Host: Archana Arte
Copyrights: REPL

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