Tasty and Nutritious: Jowar Ki Tikki Recipe for a Wholesome Snack Time! FoodFood

Jowar Ki Tikki is a delightful and nutritious Indian snack made from sorghum, commonly known as jowar. This gluten-free and wholesome tikki is crafted by combining ground jowar with an assortment of flavorful spices and herbs. The mixture is then shaped into small, round patties and shallow-fried until golden brown, resulting in a crispy exterior and a soft, chewy interior.

Jowar, rich in fiber and essential nutrients, adds a unique nutty taste to the tikki, while the blend of spices enhances its savory profile. Often enjoyed with a side of mint chutney or yogurt dip, Jowar Ki Tikki makes for a healthy and tasty snack option. This traditional Indian dish not only caters to those seeking gluten-free alternatives but also provides a delicious way to incorporate the nutritional benefits of jowar into one's diet.

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