Tasty Onion Paratha - Onion Bread - By Vahchef @ vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

Crispy Onion paratha is an amazing Indian flat bread that is flavoured with onion water, stuffed with onion masala and pan fried until done.
you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at


Onions 4 n
Wheat flour 250 g
Coriander chopped 1 b
Red chilly powder 1 ts
Garam masala 1 ts
Cumin powder 1 ts
Butter 2 tb

Grate the onions and add some salt, squeeze out the water & collect , in this water add whole wheat flour make soft dough.
Take a bowl add the grated onions, chopped coriander powder, red chilly powder, garam masala, cumin powder, mix it well.

Divide the dough in to equal portions and stuff the onion mixture and seal the mixture from all sides & using rolling pin roll out each portion into medium round thick size paratha. Heat the griddle and shallow fry each paratha using little butter and cook on both sides till it is golden brown in colour.
Serve this hot with curd & pickle.

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