Thai Breakfast: Jok & Dim Sum. Eating Breakfast in Thailand, Part 1. Thai Food.

NEW THAILAND FOOD AND TRAVEL VIDEOS EVERY WEDNESDAY. Subscribe: Jok and Dim Sum, two delicious Thai breakfast cuisine options. Eating Thai food breakfasts in at a restaurant in Thailand. I think Thai breakfasts are delicious and Ive made 3 videos about some of my favourite Thai breakfast dishes. This is part 1, about jok and dim sum.

Jok, also known as Thai congee, or Thai rice porridge is made of boiled broken rice and is similar to other rice congees eaten in other parts of Asia. Jok is generally topped with with chopped pork, chicken, or fish, chopped ginger, scallions, cilantro leaves and pepper.

Dim Sum is another popular Thai breakfast food. Diners choose the dishes they want from a range of different pork, seafood, mushroom, noodle, tofu, and dumpling dishes. Their selection is then steamed and brought to their table.

Salapao is another popular Thai breakfast food which is similar to Chinese steamed buns. They are usuall filled with chopped pork, red barbecued pork, sweet red beans or sweet custard-like cream. All of the options are definitely worth trying for a traditional breakfast on your Thailand travels.

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Subscribe to my channel for more videos on what to do and what to eat in Thailand. New Thailand videos posted regularly about Thailand including Ao Nang and Krabi: Places to see, things to do, tours, Thai food, Thailand markets, Thai festivals & culture, Thai street food, hotels, resorts, villas, restaurants, Thailand holidays, tourism, accommodation & Thailand travel.

Krabi is about 2-3 hours from Phuket by land or sea, and has world class accommodation standards comparable to what you find in Phuket hotels and resorts, but in a more relaxed environment.

If you're looking into Thailand Hotels have a look at hotels and resorts in Krabi. The islands and beaches of Krabi are famous for Thailand holidays, the movie The Beach was filmed on Krabi's Koh Phi Phi Island.
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