Thai Street Food Night Market, Krabi Thailand. Cheap and tasty food in Krabi Town

New Thailand videos every Wednesday. Subscribe: The Krabi Town Street Food Night Market, Chao Fa Pier. Cheap and tasty Thai street food and other Thai dishes in Krabi Thailand. It's a great place for eating authentic Thai cuisine in Krabi Town (about 15 minutes from Ao Nang)!

The night markets in Thailand are a great place to get an insight into Thai culture while you travel in Thailand. And they're a great place to try traditional Thai street foods, learn Thai recipes and cooking, as well as eat some of the best Thai dishes in Thailand. You'll see the people cooking the food right in front of you. And best of all, the food is cheap, often much cheaper than eating in a Thai restaurant. Eating at markets is a good way to save money on your Thailand holidays.

Make sure you check out some Thai Food Markets on your trip to Thailand, and be sure to sample some of the amazing Thai street food that's available in Thiland!

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Subscribe to my channel for more videos on what to do in Thailand and what to eat in Thailand. New Thailand videos posted regularly about Thailand: places to see, things to do, tours, Thai food, Thailand markets, Thai festivals & culture, street food, Thai recipes, eating Thai food, hotels, resorts, villas, restaurants, Thailand holidays, tourism, accommodation & Thailand travel, including Phuket, Ao Nang, Krabi and other Thailand destinations.

Krabi is about 2-3 hours from Phuket by land or sea, and has world class accommodation standards comparable to what you find in Phuket hotels and resorts, but in a more relaxed environment.

If you're looking into Thailand Hotels have a look at hotels and resorts in Krabi. The islands and beaches of Krabi are famous for Thailand holidays, the movie The Beach was filmed on Krabi's Koh Phi Phi Island.
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