The Andalusian Patios of the Casas Corralones in Malaga Devour Malaga

The "Casas Corralones" are homes that share an Andalusian patio in the middle. These homes were typical working class housing in Malaga starting during the mid 19th century. Mainly located in the neighborhoods of El Perchel and La Trinidad, the patios were an area for socializing, as well as family life. Although many of the Casas Corralones have been knocked down in favor of more modern apartment buildings, some still remain.

For the past several years they have opened up these Andalusian patios for one week as a way to celebrate that cultural tradition. The festivities include dance, song, and food. It is a unique opportunity to get to know not only the patio gardens, but also meet the people who live in the Casas Corralones, taste their delicious recipes and become part of the shared community. It's everything we love about Malaga!

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