Welcome to Break an Egg! The series where host Anna Billingskog, Food52's Senior Food Stylist, cooks through a breakfast recipe, either completely original or from a Food52 community member. Follow along for breakfast (or breakfast for dinner) inspiration. Berry & Bran Muffins From Nicole Rucker:"This is the recipe to sway the hearts of haters who give side-eye to bran muffins. Berries and dates may draw the bran muffin skeptics in, but the secret to this recipe's success is the mellow, warming sweetness of maple syrup and the tenderizing properties of full-fat yogurt. These muffins are even better the day after you make them, which is some kind of witchcraft I can't explain." Food52Berry & Bran Muffins From Nicole Rucker: https://food52.com/recipes/90055-berry-bran-muffinsGET MORE OF FOOD52 BY CONNECTING BELOW:Website: https://food52.comOur Shop: https://food52.com/shop Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/food52Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Food52Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/food52Twitter: https://twitter.com/Food52TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@food52Food52 newsletter: https://f52.co/newsletter