The Disintegrating Student: Why Our Smart Kids are Struggling & What Parents Can Do HPC: E167

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Our culture is asking more and more of our kids and teens, and Dr. Jeannine Jannot and I talk today about the repercussions this has for kids.

Why are smart kids disintegrating?

What can parents do to help their kids get through the high expectations without losing their self-esteem and sense of self? (Spoiler: This isn't just parenting advice for those of us with older kids - the right habits start young!)

Dr. Jannot is a psychologist, college professor, author, and mother -- I'll be implementing some of the practical tips from this interview immediately at the Kimball household, and I know you'll benefit greatly as well. We talked about:

* What's changed in the definition of success in the last 40 years, and how it's affecting our kids.
* How schools could help (but often aren't) and who we really need to listen to on this subject
* Early signs that you might have a student who is disintegrating, and what they really need from their parents
* But also how parents often try to help that backfires!
* Setting up a supportive family culture (even while acknowledging what the rest of the world is looking for)
* Some really practical tips about virtual schooling, homeschool habits, sleep, and REmaking the bed
* Why it's important to make mistakes, let our kids see them, and invite them to share their own mistakes

I'm so grateful for the learning I get to do through these Healthy Parenting Connector interviews, and I can't wait to hear what you learn (or are reminded of) through Dr. Jannot's expertise.

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