The Groundhog—Winter | ChefSteps

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So the groundhog saw his shadow. Six more weeks of cold, wet, and darkness here in the Pacific Northwest, but we're not going to let it get us down. Development chef Ben Johnson has cooked up a winter cocktail, called The Groundhog, to keep us jolly right up until mid-March, and beyond.

Three weeks ago, Ben came up with an idea to develop two cocktails, one for winter, and one for spring, depending on what happened with that resident rodent of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. We taste-tested lots of trials and and a few errors, until he finally settled on a perfect cocktail for each potential outcome. Watch the video below for more on how Ben created these cocktails with two simple themes in mind: winter, and spring.

And if you don't believe in future-telling groundhogs, go ahead and celebrate spring anyway with Ben's light and lemony cocktail, also called—conveniently—The Groundhog.

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