The Perfect Chocolate Banana Bread recipe! | BuonaPappa

Chocolate Banana Bread to boost up the morale!
Day #5 of Covid. All symptoms are almost gone (Thank you to all of you for the sweetest and super kind wishes, it really helped!) but still isolating for a few more days. Kids at school, hubby at work, I was able to sneak out from the bedroom with a double mask and relax baking our favorite. Banana Bread. A little surprise for the kids when they come back and I sneak back into my bedroom. It's soooo hard not to hug/touch/get close to them. Few more days.

Enjoy the Banana Bread, a real no-fail recipe!

1 cup sugar of your choice. I used cane sugar.
1/2 cup butter, room temperature, super soft or coconut oil
2 eggs
3 ripen banana
3 Tbsp milk
4 Tbsp plain greek yogurt
2 Cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
Dark chocolate chips, two full handfuls

Mix all the wet ingredients in a bowl, starting from the eggs with sugar and adding all the others on top.
In a separate bowl mix all the dry ingredients.
Slowly combine the dry into the wet mix.
Add the chocolate chips at the end.
Pour in a loaf baking pan and bake in a preheated oven at 350F for 60/70 min.
Let it cool down and enjoy!!! Have a gorgeous weekend everyone!

#bananabread #kidsfood #toddlerfood #kidssnack#toddlersnack #kidsbreakfast #toddlerbreakfast
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