The Pig Organ Soup Third Generation Hawker of Koh Brother Pigs Organ Soup Opens A New Outlet

When you think of local food, pigs organ soup or zhu zha tang is probably not the first food that comes to mind. However, to many millennials in Singapore, pigs organ soup is actually considered to be one of their many comfort foods. This is exactly why Thomas Koh has decided to open his stall at Maxwell Food Centre, The Pig Organ Soup.

The Pigs Organ Soup served here consists of a bowl of clear flavourful broth filled with pig innards such as the intestines, liver, heart, meatballs, pieces of lean meat as well as the most important ingredient, preserved mustard vegetables. It is usually eaten together with a bowl of rice and you could also take it with some side dishes.

Address: 1 Kadayanallur St, #01-72 Maxwell Food Center, Singapore 069184
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