The Secret to Making "Talking" an Effective Parenting Strategy: Trauma in Children HPC: E100

We hear "kids are resilient, they'll be ok," a LOT, especially lately.

This conversation with Marcy Pusey, a Certified Trauma & Resilience Practitioner, opened MY eyes to the fact that perhaps...they're not.

I thought we'd just be talking about the power of story, kind of a cute, sweet idea to share with you that some people might enjoy. Turns out we got to talk about the language behind "online learning" and why it's totally wrong and harmful, how a global pandemic puts us all into a potential state of trauma, and vital habits every family needs to adopt for good mental health -- especially now.

Get your brain ready to be fascinated, and grab some playdough or start chopping veggies while you watch. Marcy and I talk about:

* What resilience really is and why kids don't have as much as we might think
* What trauma really is and why I've been doing myself a disservice by simply assuming anything with that sort of title didn't apply to me
* How everyone in a family might experience something like a car accident (or a global pandemic) completely differently
* Why our brains process historical fiction and a social studies textbook differently (and which one is more effective)
* Why parents need to filter stories and movies for their kids, both to keep out particular negative influences but also to SEEK certain types of heroes that can give our kids resilience without danger
* The simple fact that our kids borrow from our capacity, which may explain why some days are harder than others for busy parents
* Problems in talk therapy and a better solution (that families can do at home without a professional!)
* Why cooking really is a brain-science based way to connect with your kids better and improve their mental health

This interview was amazing, and I'm rushing off to get a journal for one of my kids and some playdough for the others right now!

Resources we Mention:
* Find Marcy online: and
* Connect on social media:
* The guide for parents Marcy mentioned at the end of the chat that will help you find the best expressive play for your family:
* Catch her first TEDx talk here:
* Interview on raising resilient kids:
* Story cubes:

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