The Soul of Spanish Food: Spains Canned Foods

Spain is a country with a longstanding canning tradition, as we've been doing it for more than 160 years. If its canning industry is known around the world, it's because the ingredients are top quality and come from areas with great seafood, such as the Galician coast.

The northern regions, such as Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country, are known for their production of canned anchovies, yellowfin tuna and white tuna.
In the south, Andalusia is also a major producer of canned fish, such as frigate tuna and mackerel. The canning industry also extends along the Mediterranean coast, and even to other regions without coastline, such as Navarre and Aragn.

In total, this industry in Spain produces more than 360,000 tons of canned food per year, and year after year we're seeing how this industry is exporting more abroad.

Head to our website for information about Spanish companies that export preserved seafood

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