The Ten Best Fruits In The World

I've traveled around the world pretty extensively, and tried hundreds of varieties of fruit.

I'm often asked what my favorite is, and I fail to come up with one; I just can't decide.

But usually I manage to put together a top ten list of epic fruits which have blown me away. Some of them are quite rare and I've found them in remote places, while others can be found in temperate or tropical climate farmer's markets in major cities.

In this video I talk about eating:

1) Star Apples (Caimitos)
2) Nam Dok Mai Mangoes
3) Mystery Cambodian Fruit
4) Cantaloupe
5) Mamey Sapote
6) Persimmons
7) Nectarines
8) Tamarillos (Tree Tomato)
9) Watermelon
10) Mangosteen
Plus, The Blacklisted Fruit: Durian

Learn about eating these amazing fruits in my video.
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