This Removed My Wrinkles!

This new technique is helping to remove my wrinkles...
Before we get into this anti-wrinkle technique, it is very important to address wrinkles from the inside-out versus the outside-in. Although this technique is addressing the wrinkles from the outside-in, my results would have been diminished if I didn't address the following internal changes...
It's these two following changes that enhanced my beauty drastically...

#1 Insulin
For about 3 months I attempted a Raw Vegan Ketogenic Dietary lifestyle. It didn't work for me, but through that process I realized that I was consuming copious amounts of sugar through high glycemic fruits, coconut water, and carrot juice. Everyday I would drink 96oz+ of this type of sugar drink per day (hence why I drink cucumber juice now).

For 18 years, this amount of sugar was continually spiking my insulin. As I learn more about insulin, I'm realizing why my hair and skin had suffered... and why... over the past year or so my beauty (hair and skin) has improved drastically. Fruit is not to be feared, but consuming the amount of sugar I did wasn't good.

Insulin is important and good unless you overdo it like most people do.
Here are a few of the issues on how insulin can reek havoc on our beauty...
Insulin converts hormones to androgen's, which burns out hair follicles, and can even cause facial hair
Insulin can cause wrinkles by robbing us of IGF-1.
Insulin is the fat storage hormone and can make us fat
#2 Trace Minerals & Silica
In addition to dropping my sugar levels, taking trace minerals and silica has repaired a lot of the damage I created to my appearance... Many people are saying in my hangouts that I'm becoming younger by the day.

Silica prevents wrinkles!... Literally!

Silica is an extremely abundant element in the body and it helps in the manufacturing of your collagen, hair, skin and nails.

It makes your hair very shiny and tough, your nails really strong, and it keeps your hair from splitting.

Silica and trace minerals are the components that activate the enzymes, which build protein and collagen in the body. You are more than likely consuming enough protein, but we are lacking in silica and minerals to activate and start the collagen building process. There is no RDA on minerals including silica and the soils are depleted of it.
Dropping my sugar intake while taking the Orgono Silica and Qunton/Quintessential products has been repairing and enhancing my beauty like crazy.
For all of us... What's done is done... but let's get that drive for life back, and make the changes and do the best we can from here on out...

As you have witnessed from being on my newsletter list, I've come back to my old ways, but driven by a new source of life after a 7-year rock bottom struggle. I'm in the process of showing the world what's possible as a 20 year Raw Vegan pioneer with beauty, flexibility, longevity, and strength.

I'm just beginning my life here, and I encourage you to also choose in every moment to start living your life to it's fullest potential right now.

Further below is the video of this new anti-wrinkle technique, which seems to be working for me.
To order Orgono Silica 'At-Cost', click the button below:
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