Tomato Chutney Recipe | Chutney for Idli & Dosa | How to make Chutney | Hyderabadi Ruchulu

Learn how to make Tomato Chutney | Chutney for Idli & Dosa | with Ms Indira only on Hyderabadi Ruchulu.

This fiery recipe is very easy to make and share with your family,
friend. It tastes great with Idlis (steamed South Indian rice cakes) and Dosas (crispy savory South Indian rice pancakes). You can have it dry or add some tamarind juice to make a delicious tangy-hot dip too!

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Heat a pan and add 1 teaspoon oil. Add 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, 1/2 teaspoon fenugreek seeds, 2 teaspoons coriander seeds, 2 teaspoons sesame seeds and fry. Add 7-8 chopped green chillies and fry. Add 10-12 garlic cloves, fry for a minute and take them into a plate. To the same pan add 1 teaspoon oil and diced tomatoes. Let the tomaoes fry. Let the tomatoes cook in the water that seeps out of them. Cook the tomatoes till they become soft. Cut off the stove and let the tomatoes cool. In the mean time, grind the previously fried items with 2 teaspoons salt and soaked tamarind. Grind the cooled tomatoes with it. For tempering, heat a pan and add 2 tablespoons of oil. Add 1 teaspoon mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, pieces of 3 dried chillies, curry leaves, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric and mix. Add the previously prepared tomato chutney to it and mix. Enjoy!..

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