Toovar Dal ni Khichdi / Toor Dal khichri / Tuvar dal Khichri /Rice and Lentil dish from Gujarat | Indian Street Food (Khana pakana)

- Indian Food is always Delicious! No matter which part of the world you live in, having a taste of an Indian Recipe is definitely worth it. As rich the Indian Culture is -- so is the Food.

- Tuvar dal Khichdi from Guajarat is an everyday food eaten with some Kadhi, pickles, papad and chutney. Sometimes, It is also served with a spicy buttermilk drink called छाछ (Chaach)

Ingredients :
- 1/2 Bowl Chawal (Rice)
- 1/2 Bowl Toor Dal / Tuvar Dal (Yellow Lentil)
- 3 Bowl Water
- 2 tsp Oil
- 1 tsp Rai (Mustard Seeds)
- 1 tsp Jeera (Cumin Seeds)
- 1 tsp Hing (Asafoetida)
- 1 tsp Haldi (Turmeric Powder)
- 2 Hari Mirch (Green Chilli)
- Grated Ginger
- Curry Patta (Curry Leaves)
- 1 Badiya / Chakra Phool (Star Anise)
- 1 Laving / Laung (Cloves)
- 1 Taj / Dalchini (Cinnamon)
- Salt as per taste

- Take one bowl and add Rice, Yellow Lentil
- Add Some water and Wash it
- Add 3 cup of water
- Take cooker and heat Oil
- Add Rai (Mustard Seeds), Jeera (Cumin Seeds), Hing (Asafoetida), Dalchini (Cinnamon), Chakra Phool (Star Anise) & Laung (Cloves)
- Add Hari Mirch (Green Chilli) , Grated Ginger, Curry Patta (Curry Leaves)
- Saute for half minute
- Add Water, Rice and Yellow Lentil and Mix well
- Add Haldi (Turmeric Powder), Namak ( Salt ) and Mix well
- Pressure Cook for 3 whistles
- Tuvar Dal Khichdi is ready to serve
- Serve With Kadhi / Rasam / Lasania Bataka

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