Top 2 Foods to Survive on

On Facebook I asked the following question, If you could only eat two foods, what would they be?
My intent was for people to take into consideration survival purposes too. I had to add that in later, because I wasnt sure if they were taking it into consideration or not.

152 people answered so far. There are so many different combinations that a person could give. However, I was super surprised, because there was one combination of two foods that were given multiple times. The most popular combination that was said the most was Salmon and Avocado. Many people chose exactly both of these foods as the top two foods, and not just one of these items. Furthermore, many people also chose Avocado as one of their top foods along with another food with it. Avocado was the winner in terms of most people stating it. Avocado and eggs was also a popular one.

I hadnt answered the question yet, and many people were leaning on me to do so. However, reviewing and responding to over 150 people took time. I commented that I would answer soon, I have to think about it.

A good amount of people chose steak or ribeye. One person said ribeye with greens and another person said it with Watermelon. Another good portion of people just chose fruit, or fruit with another raw food like greens or a fat. Watermelon was really popular.

Im telling you, the biggest portion of my following are Raw Vegans and Carnivores lol. The Carnivores ran into issues on the Raw Vegan Diet and moved to Carnivore. Thats how this happened. It seems that both groups are interested in my story.

So now it was my turn to answer the question. I was thinking about avocado, because so many people chose it. However, I cant eat it frequently without going into pain. At that moment and time, something clicked in me.

I dont believe that I was misdiagnosed with Crohns disease. All the tests show this. However, I think that I have simply had chronic pouchitis since the day that I had my surgery two years ago, and that is why I go into pain when I eat fiber from Raw Foods. Pouchitis is just a common infection of the Jpouch that can be cleared up quickly with antibiotics. I am hoping that this is the situation and I just havent cleared it up since the surgery. I feel wholeheartedly that this is the case.

If I can clear that up, I may be able to eat salads again. I dont know, but we are going to find out very soon.

If this is correct, both the Raw Vegans and Carnivores would probably be very interested in my next dietary move after that, lol. Im interested!

Furthermore, I had colitis before the surgery. I wasnt able to eat lettuce or many raw foods at that point either. Its been so many years that I havent been able to eat these foods.

So, I chose egg yolks and Corvina (a white fish) as the two foods that I would eat, based off of my current condition and what my body can handle. Furthermore, I need serious nourishment right now as I repair myself from ongoing malnourishment due to being a fasting man.

So Avocado was the big winner among all of the foods out there, as being a top food to eat if you could only eat two. This shows me that the intuition of a good segment of the health-conscious people chose Avocado, and it makes me want to get back into eating them. It makes sense to me with all of those healthy fats. This was like tapping into the human consciousness of the healthy people lol. Its valuable information.

It also makes me wonder about salmon vs. the white fish that I eat. Salmon is tough like steak, and I dont like having to chew like that. Furthermore, the taste of salmon is not favorable to me. The taste and the tough texture together is a chore for me. I could do it, but the white fish just melts in my mouth and doesnt have that strong intense salmon taste. However, if salmon is that much more healthier compared to Corvina, I might have to look into it. What do you guys think? Only respond in 1-3 sentences or I wont read it lol. Please understand that I am always scraping for time.

Whats also interesting is that nobody chose any refined sugars or processed starches such as bread. Maybe one or two people said pizza lol, but very little. Eliminating those two processed foods, starch and refined sugar, is the key into being healthy. The Raw Vegans and the Carnivores both have that down, and that is the main reason why they are both doing so good in my opinion.

Ding ding ding. Cant we just all get along lol.

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you these new findings in regards to my health and also provide that pretty cool information that I discovered from tapping into the human consciousness of healthy people lol.
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