Traditional Arab Food & Bengali Market Street Food Jhal Muri, Samosa Chat in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Welcome to my latest vlog where I explore the rich flavors of traditional Saudi cuisine at Najd Village Restaurant! Join me on a culinary journey as we dive into the authentic dishes that represent the essence of Saudi Arabian culture. The restaurant's unique theme provides a captivating glimpse into the history and rural life of the region.

In this episode, I share my experience of ordering a sufra for two, which featured a delightful array of dishes. From the first bite, the food not only satisfies the taste buds but also offers a cultural immersion. The ambiance of NAJD VILLAGE adds an extra layer to the dining experience, creating memories that go beyond just a meal.

After indulging in the Saudi feast, I explore a local Bengali market, discovering and tasting some delectable South Indian snacks. I really liked the Jhali Muri and Falooda, Special thanks to my friend Gulzar for his fantastic recommendations and for being my guide on this flavorful adventure.

Join me as I uncover hidden gems in the world of food and share the joy of trying new and diverse culinary delights. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more exciting food explorations!

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