मिक्स वेज नवरंग अचार-सर्दियों के लिए । Traditional Mixed Veg pickle recipe | Indian mixed veg pickle | Nisha Madhulika | TedhiKheer

Mix Veg Pickle, mix sabzi achar, instant mix veg pickle, Gajar,Gobhi,Mooli,Karela,Haldi,Beans,Adrak,Chilli,Shalgam ka mix achar for winters, indian mix veg pickle, homemade pickle recipe,

Ingredients for mixed veg pickle
Turnip - शलगम - 150 gms
Cauliflower - फूलगोभी - 200 gms
Radish - मूली - 150 gms
Bitter Gourd - करेला - 100 gms
Carrot - गाजर - 100 gms
Turmeric - हल्दी - 150 gms
Beans - फलियां - 100 gms
Ginger - अदरक - 100 gms
Green Chilli - हरी मिर्च - 100 gms
Yellow Mustard - पीली सरसों - 1/3 Cup (45 grams)
Fennel - सौंफ - 1/4 Cup (25 grams)
Fenugreek Seeds - मेथी दाना - 2 tbsp
Cumin Seeds - जीरा - 1 tsp
Mustard Oil - सरसों का तेल - 1 Cup (400 ml)
Carom Seeds - अजवाइन - 1 tsp
Asafoetida - हींग - 1/2 tsp
Black Pepper - काली मिर्च - 1 tbsp
Black Cumin - कलोंजी - 1 tsp
Salt - नमक - 3 tbsp
Black Salt - काला नमक - 1 tbsp
Red Chilli Powder - लाल मिर्च पाउडर - 1/4 Cup
Vinegar - सिरका - 1/2 Cup

How to prepare Navrang Pickle?
1. Take 150 grams of Turnip, 200 grams of cauliflower, 150 grams of radish, 100 grams of karela, 150 grams carrots, 150 grams of turmeric, 100 grams beans, 100 grams ginger, and 100 grams of green chilies.
2. Cut all the vegetables and blanch them.
3. Add enough water to a cooking vessel and bring it to a boil.
4. After a boil, simmer the vegetables in it for 3 minutes.
5. Meanwhile, cut the chilies and Haldi.
6. Strain the vegetables immediately after 3 minutes.
7. Lay a cloth over a tray and dry the vegetables in it under the fan.
8. After 1.5 hours, vegetables are ready. Now we will prepare the masala.
9. Dry roast 1/3 cup of yellow mustard for 1 minute over medium flame.
10. Next, dry roast 1/4 cup of fennel seeds, 2 tbsp of methi seeds, and 1 tsp of cumin for 1 or 1.5 minutes.
11. Grind the roasted yellow mustard coarsely and other roasted spices too.
12. Heat 1 cup of mustard oil in Kadai.
13. Once you can see smoke coming, turn off the flame and allow the oil to cool
14. Add 1 tsp of carom seeds, 1/2 tsp of hing, 1 tsp of black pepper, 1 tbsp of turmeric powder to the oil and mix well.
15. Add vegetables, raw Haldi, ginger, and green chilies to the oil.
16. Now, add 1 tsp of kalonji, 2 tbsp of salt, 1 tbsp of black salt, 1/4 cup of Kashmiri red chili, and mix everything well.
17 Add yellow mustard, Fennel, cumin, and fenugreek seeds, and mix well.
18. At last add 1/2 cup vinegar and our pickle is ready!!

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