Tuna Heaven - Tour of our Fish Supplier

Master Sushi Chef Hiroyuki Terada takes you to see our fish supplier which sort of lands us in tuna heaven. This company clears over 50,000 pounds of tuna a week; their main customers are mostly in the NY area. The 18,000 pound shipment you see in this video came in on Tuesday evening, and left Wednesday after it was all graded, and our personal supplier chooses the highest quality fish for us every single time.

In our next video, we will show you how the tuna is graded through the tail end of the meat and by taking a sample from the center of the fish. With these two samples, they can visually tell you the exact grade of the fish. 25 years of experience will all be crammed into our next video, and you too can become an expert!

See you in our next video...

NoVe Kitchen & Bar
1750 N. Bayshore Drive
Miami, FL 33132
phone: 305-577-8200
facebook: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
instagram: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
twitter: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
website: www.novekitchen.com
email: [email protected]
Menu: http://www.novesushimiami.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NoVe-Menu-Winter-Spring-2014.pdf
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