Vanilla Sponge Cake No Oven No Beater No Cooker- Homemade Sponge Cake No Oven @Cooking with Asifa

Vanilla Sponge Cake without Oven, without beater recipe by Chef Asifa cooking channel. No oven, no beater, no cooker used to make the very tasty cake at home @Cooking with Asifa  . Sponge cake without oven.
- Vegetable Oil / Melted Butter (0.5 cup / 125 ml + 2 tbsp)
- Salt (1/4 tsp)
Baking Items:
- Eggs (4)
- Baking Powder (1 tsp)
- Vanilla Extract (1/2 tsp)
- Caster Sugar (1 cup / 250 g)
- All-Purpose-Flour (1 cup / 250 g)

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