Vanjiram Fish Fry in Tamil | Vanjiram Fish Fry Recipe in Tamil | clara's kitchen

vanjiram fish fry in tamil | vanjiram fish fry recipe in tamil

Vanjaram is also commonly known as King Fish or Seer Fish, and this is the recipe of its fry in Andhra style.

It is referred by different names, such as :
Vanjaram in Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh,
Neymeen / Aiykora in Kerala and
Anjal in Karnataka.

Vanjaram meen varuval is very famous in south India and you will find this in every restaurant menu. All the eateries and homes down South will surely have this delicious dish in their menu for a weekend non-veg lunch.

Their crispy and roasted golden brown texture adds more flavour and taste to this dish.

Vanjaram fish is a firm fish and has one bone and is easy to eat also. Vanjaram fish fry tastes delicious. In this video, i have explained step by step method of how to preparing andra style vanjaram meen varuval.

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Restaurant style nethili meen varuval:

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