Vateli Dal na Khaman Recipe Video - Savory Sponge Cake By Bhavna | Bhavna's Kitchen & Living

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For Batter:
1 cup Chana Dal (Split Skinless Bengal Gram)
1 teaspoon Lemon juice
2 tablespoons Sour Curd
1 tablespoon Green Chilli-Ginger paste
1 teaspoon Eno Fruit Salt (or Sodium Bicarbonate)
1/8 teaspoon Turmeric Powder (haldi)
1 teaspoon Oil (to grease)
Water as needed
For Tempering:
1 tablespoon Oil
1 pinch Asafoetida (hing)
1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds
2 tablespoons finely chopped Fresh coriander leaves
Wash chana dal and soak it in water for 6 hours.
Drain water and grind it fine coarsely. Add 1 cup water and grind again until medium coarse texture.
Mix crushed chana dal, lemon juice, sour curd and salt in a large bowl. Cover with a plate and keep it in warm place for 5-6 hours to ferment. Add green chilli-ginger paste and mix well.
Grease steamer plates with oil. Pour 2-3 glasses water in steamer and heat it on medium-high flame. Mix Eno fruit salt in batter and and stir it for a minute in one direction. Make sure to add ENO to the amount of batter you are ready to steam because once you add ENO, batter can not be kept longer.
You will notice batter's size is increased to double.
Pour it into greased plates until half of its height and place them in the steamer.
Steam it for 12-15 minutes over medium flame.
After 10-15 minutes, open the steamer and insert a knife or toothpick in to Khaman and check if it comes out clean. If it does, then Khaman is ready otherwise cook it more for 2-3 minutes.
Take out thali from steamer and let it cool for few minutes and cut dhokla into small squares. Sprinkle little water over all Khamans to make them more soft and when you eat, you don't feel in your throat.
Heat 2 tablespoon oil in a small pan. Add mustard seeds and asafoetida. When the seeds begin to crackle. Turn off the flame and pour it over prepared Khaman.
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve.
Condiments: It can be enjoyed with fried green chillies, onion, green chutney or served with a tea/coffee as a perfect breakfast or evening snack.
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