Veg Savoury Pancake Recipe | How To Make Vegetable Pancake | Pancake Recipe For Kids Tiffin Box | India Food Network

Here’s a savoury pancake creation to get your children to eat more vegetables, without the tantrums. Kissan Fresh Tomato Ketchup adds the goodness of fresh tomatoes to the pancake and enhances the taste of the dish like never before.

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes

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Gram flour: 1 cup
Salt to taste
Chopped onion: 2 tablespoons
Kissan Fresh Tomato Ketchup: 2 tablespoons
Oil: 1 tablespoon
Chopped tomatoes: 2 tablespoons
Black pepper: 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder: 2 teaspoons
Coriander powder: 2 teaspoons
Chopped bell pepper: 2 tablespoons
Cabbage: 2 tablespoons
Grated carrot: 2 tablespoons
Chilli powder: 1 teaspoon

Method of preparation
Take a mixing bowl, add all the ingredients and make a thick batter
Heat oil in a pan. Pour the batter on the pan
Cook it from both the sides evenly. Let it cool for a while
Cut the pancake into four halves and pack it into the tiffin box.
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