Vegetable Fried Sorghum/Great Millet/ज्वार | Healthy Indian Twist

Welcome to Healthy Indian Twist! Today’s recipe is Fried vegetable Jowar. This is extremely healthy, tasty, and filling dish. You can enjoy for lunch or dinner. Please try it out and let me know how it turns out in the comment box below. Do not forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel. Stay fit, Stay healthy!
For 1-2 servings
½ cup whole Jowar/Sorghum/Great Millet
Salt to taste
Olive oil 1 tsp
1 tsp Cumin
1 cup Veggies of your choice (I used Red and green bell peppers, Jalapeno pepper, Peas, Corn)
2 tsp Spring onion

Wash the Jowar and soak overnight.
Next day, take cooker or Instant pot, add soaked jowar, salt and 2 cups water.
Boil. If using pressure cooker, then boil for 7-8 whistles. If using Instant pot, cook on high pressure for 10-12 mins.
Once cooked, drain the water, and keep it aside.
Take a pan, add olive oil. Once hot, add cumin seeds. Let it crackle.
Add veggies and add little salt for veggies to cook.
Once veggies are cooked, add boiled jowar. Mix well.
Close the lid and cook for 10 mins. At this point you can adjust the salt.
Once cooked, add lemon juice, and spring onions and serve hot.
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