White Coffee (Kahwe Bayda) | Thirsty For ... | Tastemade

Although not technically coffee, this non-caffeinated drink is often served after a heavy meal in the Middle East. It is cleansing and tastes great as well. FULL RECIPE BELOW.

Oh, and ps - we're now shooting Thirsty For in 4K. Click the wheel on the player to see it at the best quality.

Check out our Spotify playlist - http://bit.ly/1dekSbA

Shot and Directed by Eric Slatkin
Food Stying: Kari Lauritzen - http://theyellowbungalowla.com/
Editor: Jacob Metiva
Title Graphics: Lydia Baillergeau - http://www.byairjo.com/

"Abdou haabib ghandourah" by Shiraz
Courtesy of Vampisoul


-2 cups water
-½ cup mint leaves
-2 tsp orange blossom water
-1-2 tsp honey, or to taste

1. Bring a kettle of water to a boil.
2. Place mint leaves in glass teapot.
3. Cover mint leaves in glass teapot with hot water and allow to steep 3 minutes.
4. Stir in orange blossom water and 1 tsp honey.
5. Pour tea into 2 serving cups.
6. Additional honey may be passed to individually sweeten drinks.
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