Why Live a "Fertility Lifestyle" Your Whole Life (& How to Talk to Teens About It) HPC: E122

I admit, I didn't think much about my fertility when I was a teenager except to be annoyed once a month...but like many girls, I envisioned my life as a mom and fully expected it to happen with ease.

In our world today, plenty of women don't get to live that dream and suffer through heart-wrenching infertility.

Fertility expert Dr. Aumatma joins us today to talk about why we *should* be talking to our teens about their fertility and how a "fertility lifestyle" really begins with the habits we form even for our little kids.

This interview is fascinating and will help every mama out there get a different perspective on healthy eating and raising kids. We cover:

* Why infertility is so much higher than it used to be
* Why teens should care about their fertility
* How fertility and cycle knowledge can empower teens (and adult women!) to live their best lives and even avoid PMS outbursts
* Some interventions to try if cramps and other menstrual-related issues are "ruining your life!" that's teenager speak, of course ;)
* What mamas can do to stop feeling exhausted and ditch the sugar cravings (and no, don't worry, the advice isn't just "get more sleep")
* The most important habit to set for your kids starting at birth (which will ultimately impact their fertility but also a lot of their health choices in the future)

Resources we Mention for Healthy Fertility:
* Dr. Aumatma's book: Fertility Secrets: https://amzn.to/3kFwVcj
* Dr. Aumatma's clinic: www.holisticfertilitycenter.com
* Follow her on social media: www.instagram.com/holistic_fertility_doctor, https://www.facebook.com/DrAumatmaNd
* My recommended air filter: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/airdoctor
* Removing toxins from your home environment: https://kidscookrealfood.com/reducing-toxins-in-the-home/
* Stress mastery for busy moms: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/ebooks-at-kitchen-stewardship/stress-mastery-course/
* Begin mastering your stress and make stress your BFF: https://kidscookrealfood.com/stress-mastery-1/ https://kidscookrealfood.com/stress-mastery-2/
* There's tons of info on balancing hormones in the series starting here: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/stop-pms-diet/
* Who needs to eliminate dairy? https://kidscookrealfood.com/eliminate-dairy/
* Solutions for heavy periods: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/heavy-periods-natural-root-cause-solutions/
* The Adrenal Reset Diet: https://amzn.to/384e2dK
* Balance your adrenals with food: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/support-adrenals-womens-health/
* More interviews on sleep:
* How sleep makes you a better or worse parent: https://kidscookrealfood.com/sleep-like-a-boss/
* Healthy sleep for the whole family: https://kidscookrealfood.com/healthy-sleep/
* Sleep coaching with no crying alone: https://kidscookrealfood.com/healthy-sleep-habits-for-kids/

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Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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