Why I Love AcroYoga

AcroYoga is always on my mind.

I love it, and it brings me and a lot of other people a great deal of happiness.

In this video, I talk about why, explain what it's all about, and treat you to some beautiful footage of AcoYoga shot around Austin, Texas.

I also give you some suggestions for how you can get started with AcroYoga if you're a beginner.

---------Selection Of Poses & Transitions Done In This Video:----------

Folded Leaf
Back fly
Straddle bat
Pop from throne to star
Human Turkish Get-up
Bicep Stand
Shoulder Stand
Reverse Star
Pop to foot-to-foot
Shoulder stand
Pop from easy throne (chair) to foot-to-foot
Reverse pancake
Catherine's Wheel
Handstand Scropion On Legs
Maha Catherine's Wheel
Flyer Higher
Ninja Star


Yogabatics instructional videos: http://goo.gl/zajG1P
Acro events in Austin: https://www.facebook.com/groups/austinacrocommunity/
Acro Moves Compendium: http://acropedia.org/
Check out my website: http://www.raw-food-health.net

Acro Monkeys in This Video: Andrew Perlot & Brittany Taylor
Video Thumbnail Photo: Adam Berry
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