YeeHaw Cowboy Steaks

Steaks have always been a favorite for any meat lover. However, one of the challenges for many of us though is that a fine steak can be expensive. Thankfully there are more economical cuts that happen to be full of flavor, especially when prepared with care.

Were going to prepare Cowboy Steaks from KOL Foods ( two different ways. For many of us, we dont have the luxury of an outdoor grill, so we have no choice but to prepare a steak in our kitchens. For others, we have a BBQ in our backyard, but lack the experience or confidence to prepare a memorable steak.

Check out my take on both methods. I personally ate both of the steaks I cook in this video and am still not sure which method I liked best. Try them out and let me know what you think.

L'Chaim . . . Avi
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