Your Sleep Makes You a Better (or Worse) Parent -- Sleep Like a Boss with Christine Hansen HPC: E41

Will sleep become the new kale? Or the new cancer?

Adults are shorting ourselves on sleep in droves in our "always-on" culture, and I'm unfortunately leading the pack. That's why I begged sleep science coach Christine Hansen to join me for a half hour to get some important tips!!

I started implementing a new way to wake up my kids immediately, and I know being a better parent means being well-rested (i.e. not angry mommy).

If you feel like you're not getting a tight 8 in bed OR your sleep *quality* doesn't feel optimal, this is a must listen. We talk about:

* How adult sleep is so much more complicated than infant sleep.
* Our brain's many jobs during sleep - and why we can't catch up! :(
* Why caffeine and morning sleepiness are signs of sleep deprivation (ahem, anyone out there feel this??)
* The anatomy of sleep and how to wake up at the perfect time
* Problems for "night owls"
* The BEST way to wake up your child (hint: it's not an alarm clock)
* As a nutritional therapist, Christine has unique and powerful insights into how our food affects our sleep!
* We dig into kids: bedtimes, sleepy at school, and even how dessert affects their sleep!
* How many hours DO you need? How about teenagers?

No time for the whole video? Check the skim notes here:

Resources We Mention for Sleep Quality
* You can find Christine's website here (the free video series is all the way at the bottom of the homepage) :
* Her book, is on Amazon here:
* Sunlight alarm clock:
* Blue blocker glasses:

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