Yummy Things to Put on Toast - By Vahchef @ vahrehvah.com | Vahchef - VahRehVah

normally this kind of toast topped with some seasoned and flavoured cheese and cook it under salamander or oven it gives colour and crispyness which we can serve with soups,pastas as accompaniment.


Bread slices 2 n
Butter 2 tb
Parsley chopped 1 ts
Chilly flakes ½ ts
Garlic chopped 1 ts
Black olives chopped 1 ts
Cheese 1tb
Mixed herb 1 ts

Take a bread slice and apply butter and sprinkle mixed herb.

Take a bowl add chopped parsley, chilly flakes, chopped garlic, chopped black olives, cheese, mix it well, and spread it on the toast, grate some cheese on top, put it on the oven. When it is done; remove the brown edges of the toast.

http://www.vahrehvah.com/Yummy+Things+to+Put+on+Toast:8247 you can find detailed recipes at my website and also find many videos with recipes at http://www.vahrehvah.com/ simple easy and quick recipes and videos of Indian Pakistani and Asian Oriental foods "Reach vahrehvah at -
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