1 kg Zucchini
250 g ground beef
200 mL homemade tomato sauce (*)
3-4 (~170 g) shallots
1 (~120 g) Marconi sweet red pepper
2 tbsp calrose rice
1 bunch of fresh dill
cup olive oil
tbsp. salt
cup water

(*) The link of the Fairies Cuisine Tomato Sauce recipe:

Wash the zucchinis and the Marconi sweet red pepper
Peel and wash the shallots
Get the ground beef, tomato paste, salt, and olive oil ready for cooking
Clean and wash the dill
Wash and drain 2 tbsp of calrose rice
Thinly slice the shallots
Cut off the stem of the Marconi pepper and clean its seeds. Divide them into 5-6 cm long pieces, then, julienne them and set aside
Mince the dill and set aside
Partially peel the zucchinis. Clean the top and bottom ends of each zucchini . First, divide each zucchini in half; then, divide each half lengthwise into 4 equal pieces. Set the sliced zucchinis aside

Place a large and shallow pot on the stove
Stir the ground beef on high heat for 5 to 8 minutes or until it develops a brow colour
Now, add the shallots and cup of olive oil. Continue to stir the ingredients for 2 minutes
Add half of the tomato sauce, of the Marconi pepper strips, and of the minced dill
Add the rest of the tomato sauce and tbsp. of salt, combine the ingredients well; then, cover the pot with a lid and cook for 2 minutes
Next, add 2 tbsp of calrose rice and cup of water; Cover the pot again and cook for 6-7 minutes on the lowest heat!!

Note: Zucchini is a very fast-cooking vegetable. I recommend, enjoy the texture and colour of the vegetables on your plate. Therefore, please semi-cooked all other ingredients before adding the zucchinis. And, not (!) over cook the zucchinis.

Finally, add the zucchinis into the pot in an orderly fashion
Place the Marconi pepper strips among the zucchinis
Enjoy playing with the colours and the textures of the vegetables!!
Lay the dill in the middle of the vegetable wheel to allow for an even distribution of flour
Cover with a lid and cook for 18 to 20 minutes on very low heat!
Make sure the zucchinis are just soft enough to eat but not mushy
Turn off the heat

Rest the Zucchini Ragout for 6 to 7 minutes after cooking (before serving) (!)
When you are serving, make sure to keep the form and the layers of the ingredients while transferring them from the pot to the plate
Adding some fresh dill will greatly enhance the flavour!!

Zucchini Ragout is a piece of art on your plate with its marvellous colour and flavour combinations
Enjoy the feast!!

Bon Appetite!
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