Best Vegan Cashew Mayonnaise By Rithika | India Food Network

Best Vegan Cashew Mayonnaise By Rithika | India Food Network

If you are looking out for a mayonnaise recipe that is quick, easy and of course, healthy, then you have come to the right place. Stay tuned as rithik...

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Vegan Tofu Mayonnaise By Rithika | India Food Network

Vegan Tofu Mayonnaise By Rithika | India Food Network

Whether it is about having it for breakfast or using it as a party dip-there is not a shred of doubt in the fact that the mayo is a multipurpose item....

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Home-Made Vegan Tofu Bhurji By Rithika | India Food Network

Home-Made Vegan Tofu Bhurji By Rithika | India Food Network

Talk of India's most loved fast food items and you just cannot ignore bhurji. Another variation of this popular dish but with a small vegan twist, the...

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