Crispy and Spicy Chatpata Karela Delights the Taste Buds

Crispy and Spicy Chatpata Karela Delights the Taste Buds

Chatpata Karela is a vibrant and flavorful Indian dish that showcases the unique taste of karela (bitter gourd) in an exciting way. The dish is known ...

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Achari Karela । अचारी करेला । Karela with Pickle Masala | Chatpata Karela Spicy | Nisha Madhulika | TedhiKheer

Achari Karela । अचारी करेला । Karela with Pickle Masala | Chatpata Karela Spicy | Nisha Madhulika | TedhiKheer

Karela Achari Masala, Bitter Gourd with Pickle Masala Ingredients Bitter Gourd (करेला ) - 250 gms Mustard oil (सरसों का तेल ) - 4 tbsp Cumin seed...

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