This is the Easiest Soup Ever! ABC Soup  Chinese Pork Rib Soup Recipe   Chicken Soup

This is the Easiest Soup Ever! ABC Soup Chinese Pork Rib Soup Recipe Chicken Soup

ABC soup is a hearty soup made with potatoes, carrots, onions, and either pork ribs or chicken that is as simple as ABC and full of vitamins. The soup...

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Chinese Chicken Soup with dates, goji berries and shiitake mushrooms, so rich and wholesome 红枣枸杞鸡汤 | ChineseHealthyCook

Chinese Chicken Soup with dates, goji berries and shiitake mushrooms, so rich and wholesome 红枣枸杞鸡汤 | ChineseHealthyCook

#ChickenSoup #ChineseChickenSoup #Soup #鸡汤 #红枣枸杞鸡汤 Did you ever try Chinese Chicken Soup? It is easy to make at home and so flavorful. If you don't ha...

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