i tested SUPERMARKET FOOD CONTAMINATION conspiracies | Raphael Gomes

i tested SUPERMARKET FOOD CONTAMINATION conspiracies | Raphael Gomes

after hearting about the girl who licked a blue bell ice cream at walmart last week, i got kind of scared about the whole food contamination situation...

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Arsenic In Your Protein Powder: Podcast Interview With Jacklyn Bowen

Arsenic In Your Protein Powder: Podcast Interview With Jacklyn Bowen

Download the MP3, listen on Itunes, and other options: https://wp.me/P771GG-mv Jacklyn Bowen: The FDA does a very diligentjob when it comes to tradit...

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Top 12 Contaminated Foods to NEVER Eat Non-Organic

Top 12 Contaminated Foods to NEVER Eat Non-Organic

Try the Dirty Dozen & The Clean 15! Learn the top 12 most contaminated and sprayed fruits and veggies, and also learn the safest 15 to eat! Which food...

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