What is the Procedure for Eruv Tavshilin?

What is the Procedure for Eruv Tavshilin?

Next up in the OU&You's Eruv Tavshilin series, we learn how to go about making an eruv tavshilin. Stay tuned for more from Rabbi Elefant about Eruv Ta...

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What if You Forgot To Do an Eruv Tavshilin?

What if You Forgot To Do an Eruv Tavshilin?

Part 3 of the OU's special series on Eruv Tavshilin focuses on what to do if you've forgotten an Eruv Tavshilin. Hint: You don't have to go hungry! St...

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What is the Reason Behind Eruv Tavshilin

What is the Reason Behind Eruv Tavshilin

Rabbi Elefant is answering all of your Yom Tov questions. This episode is the first of a 4-part series on the laws of Eruv Tavshilin. Stay Tuned for m...

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