THE SPOOKIEST Halloween Graveyard FAULT-LINE CAKE! | Cupcake Jemma | CupcakeJemma

THE SPOOKIEST Halloween Graveyard FAULT-LINE CAKE! | Cupcake Jemma | CupcakeJemma

What's in YOUR Fault-Line Cake? Sprinkles? Sweets? Pretty things? Pah! Halloween is coming, guys, and if your Fault-Line Cake isn't filled with dead t...

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Full FAULT LINE CAKE Tutorial! | Cupcake Jemma | CupcakeJemma

Full FAULT LINE CAKE Tutorial! | Cupcake Jemma | CupcakeJemma

You've seen these Fault Line cakes around and thought to yourself, "No way can I do that! It looks way too hard". Well, you're wrong!! It's actually p...

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